Zoom Rockman
For me ‘10 years to save the world’/COP26 is about the big picture of getting governments and corporations to commit to lower carbon emissions not the little things, like recycling, that we all do anyway.
I decided to do a live action puppet animation because it’s a new skill I’ve been developing and something I know works well on social media.
I chose Greta because I think she’s a great Oracle figure and the Turtle with the Straw Up Its Nose because he’s the reason nobody uses plastic straws any more.
They’re singing an annoying, catchy song that I’d like people to share as much as possible online so that those individuals who can do something about Climate Change are irritated enough to be forced into action.
Click to enlarge artwork… and please share!

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On the climate crisis and put pressure on big corporations to take responsibility for their carbon emissions.
Follow Greta Thunberg on Twitter
#FaceTheClimateEmergency - Sign the Open Letter and Demands to World Leaders
Extinction Rebellion Philippines
Friends of the Earth - Ask the UK government to take decisive climate action